595 Prunus cerasifefa
Family Name Rosaceae
Scientific name Prunus cerasifera
Common name Cherry plum
Growth habit Deciduous trees
Leaf Leaves ovate or elliptic-ovate, surrounding by varying sizes biserrate, fury under the leave
Flower flowers with white or pink color, Oval to nearly round, apex emarginate
Fruit The fruit is a drupe, 2-3 cm in diameter, and red in color.
More to learn Born at an altitude of 800 meters to 2000 meters in the hillside forests, or slope and canyon waterside, not currently covered by the artificial introduction and cultivation.
Properties neutral, sweet and a bit sour
Treats Rheumatism, lumbar and leg pain, frostbite
Reference 櫻桃,櫻桃的功效與作用_中藥櫻桃_櫻桃是什麼_櫻桃的用法用量_A+醫學百科
General information on Cherry plum
General information on Cherry plum
