600 Utricularia sandersonii
Family Name Lentibulariaceae
Scientific name Utricularia sandersonii
Common name Bladderwort
Growth habit Perennial carnivorous plant.
Leaf Stolons, obovate, pale green, entire.
Flower Distinctive rabbit ears shaped petals on top with a long spur on the back. Petals are white with purple veining.
Fruit None.
More to learn Utricularia is the larges genus of carnivorous plants. U. Sandersonii has pinhead sized, bladder-like traps that grow underground. The traps are concave is shape, creating a vacuum within, and a covering by the door. Trigger hairs sense movement and open the door to suck prey in. It is one of the most sophisticated trapping method of any carnivorous plant.
Properties leaves: anti-inflammatory
Treats Urinary tract infections, kidney stones, fluid retention, obesity, swelling (inflammation), spasms, burns, when applied directly.
Reference Medicinal qualities
Plant profile
Plant profile
