001CM Mulberry
Family Name Moraceae
Scientific name Morus alba
Common name white mulberry
Growth habit Morus alba, known as white mulberry, is a short-lived, fast-growing, small to medium sized mulberry tree. The species are native to northern China, and is widely cultivated and naturalized elsewhere.
Leaf Leaves ovate-shaped, apex or acuminate mucronate, base rounded or heart-shaped, serrated blunt, lobed leaves on young trees, deeply lobed, glabrous above, below sparsely hairy along the veins.
Flower Single-sex catkins, male catkins are 2–3.5 cm long, and female catkins 1–2 cm long. Male and female flowers are usually on separate trees. Flowering in April.
Fruit Fruit known as mulberry, the newborn white or pink, dark purple to become mature, sweet and juicy. ; Fruit matured from May to July.
More to learn In traditional Chinese medicine, mulberry, can be used for the treatment of premature gray hair. It can also purify the blood, constipation solution, cure diabetes, edema. For the function of purifying the blood, it is because it has rich chlorophyll content in leaves. Chlorophyll can be absorbed by body and the heme with similar chemical structure can deliver oxygen and take away the waste in the body, also to speed up the purification and will not cause side effects on the human body. The white mulberry bark cough, diuretic, and fever.
Properties Mulberry leaves : Bitter sweet, cold; Mulberry : sweet and sour, flat; Branches : bitter, flat; Roots : sweet, cold.
Treats Ease wind heat, Liver eyesight, the nourishing blood, antipyretic, analgesic, cough and asthma, benefits of water swelling.
Reference 桑树
Morus alba
