018CM Petroselinum hortens Hoffm
Family Name Apiaceae
Scientific name Petroselinum hortens Hoffm
Common name Parsley
Growth habit Upright annuals, suitable for growing in sunny, fertile soil.
Leaf Curved tip, curly wavy leaf
Flower White and lavender flowers, flowering in Summer
Fruit Orbicular-ovate, 2.5 mm long, and greenish-gray.
More to learn Scientists found out that parsley could significantly suppress the effect on cancer cells and it is also a good material for cooking
Properties Fresh Smell
Treats Leaves are diuretic to aid digestion, relieve rheumatic pain and postpartum uterine recovery. Treatment of indigestion, acne and cure sprain, fluid can help with skin care.
Reference Properties and Treats Information on Petroselinum Hortens Hoffm
General Information on Petroselinum Hortens Hoffm
Flower and Fruit Petroselinum Hortens Hoffm
Properties and Extra Information on Petroselinum Hortens Hoffm
