026CM Basil Sweet Basil
Family Name Lamiaceae
Scientific name Ocimum basilicum
Common name Basil Sweet Basil
Growth habit Annuals, breeding period from March to August; fifty to eighty centimeters high; very sensitive to cold, grows best in hot and dry conditions
Leaf Aroma.Stems erect, prism, the upper backward has puberulent, often with red or purple. Leaves grows opposite; leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, margin ciliate.
Flower Corolla lavender or white, petal slightly pubescent; stamens protruding out corolla, stamens with puberulent; Style nearly as long as stamens. Flowering between June and Setember
Fruit Small nuts oblong-ovate, brown. The seeds look a bit like black sesame seeds but 60% or 70%smaller Fruit from July to October.
More to learn The Qi Xuezao people were careful service. A lot of Internet misinformation of "basil can cause liver cancer." In this paper, under the guise of spreading in the name of the physician, currently does not have basil to cause cancer study. When basil seeds were soaked in water, the seeds of several basil varieties become gelatinous, and are used in Asian drinks and desserts such as faluda, sherbet or hột é. Basil contains rich in vitamins A, C, phosphorus and calcium, have a good effect for the postpartum physical conditioning, improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system. Bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma patients have benefits, there can be very effective to control calorie fat. Taiwanese folk medicine for promoting blood circulation and pain relief.
Properties Xin; sweet; warm. Root: bitter, flat. Basil: sweet, acrid, cool. Basil: Warm up; ampness and; qi and blood circulation; swelling and detoxifying.
Treats The cold headache; fever, cough; heatstroke; food product; pain, abdominal distention; vomit dysentery; Fengshibitong; emission; irregular menstruation; toothache bad breath; skin eczema; addiction rash itching; bruises
Reference 九層塔
