043CM Orange Mint
Family Name Labiatae mint
Scientific name Mentha x aquattca "Citrata"
Common name Orange Mint
Growth habit Perennial herb, habitat in the warm temperate to subtropical wet forest edge.
Leaf Simple alternative leaves, ovate, leaf-end micro-shaped or obtuse, leaf base circle obtuse shape, leaf margin toothed, dark green foliage, significant veins, even dark brown, concave surface at the back of the uplift.
Flower The base of the calyx united into a bell-shaped ends of five teeth, triangle, needle-like tip, lip flowers, corolla tubular, pink, purple, white. Summer flowering, and strong cold resistance.
Fruit Small nuts, ovoid, smooth.
More to learn The high content of essential oils, peppermint oil can be extracted with orange flavor. Can be used in tea, coffee, and juice, dessert, mixed salad and cooking. Bubble tea, you can have the taste of Earl Grey and the cool taste, with only a few slices of orange mint.
Properties Whole plant with orange flavor, leaves, flowers can be eaten raw, stewed, pickles, sauces, desserts, tea, anthelmintic, anti-bacterial, bath, ornamental, medicinal, refining oil.
Treats Loss of appetite, insomnia, “excessive internal heat”.
Reference 一花一木一世界
