073CM Houttuynia cordata
Family Name Dicots Saururaceae Houttuynia
Scientific name Houttuynia cordata
Common name Houttuynia cordata
Growth habit Perennial herb. Growing in wet places or mountain side. Favorable to grow in warm and humid environment, avoid drought. Has low temperature resistance and afraid of light.
Leaf Alternative leaves, thin paper, glandular dots; the membranous, strip, the lower petiole the connate leaf sheath, base expanded slightly amplexicaul; leaves ovate or broadly ovate, apex shortly acuminate, base cordate, margin entire.
Flower Small size of flower, open during the summer, without perianth, arranged with opposite leaves ; bracts 4, was born in the top of the peduncle, white, petal-like ; three stamens, the lower part of the ovary connate; pistil 3 syncarpous.
Fruit Capsule subglobose diameter of 2 to 3 mm, the top cracked.
More to learn Legend: Houttuynia cordata was at the preaching of Buddha. A goldfish downed to earth into a fine after Guanyin had shown the fish basket Image rein. Guanyin ate a lot of young boys and girls in in a river named TonTianHe to commit a sin-ridden, pity about the pain, therefore spread the seeds of merit to pool plants and earth, used to saving lives. Purdue. Houttuynia is a kind of tea soup that can also be boiled, to help people with allergies.
Properties Stench, but disappeared after being cooked. The taste is unique.
Treats Phlegm cough, heat dysentery and other illnesses.
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