135CM Cinnamomum cassia
Family Name Lauraceae
Scientific name Cinnamomum cassia
Common name Cinnamomum aromaticum, Cinnamon Bark
Growth habit The adult trees love light, little shade, the saplings avoid glare; favorite warm hot rainy climate, afraid of frost; like moist, fertile acidic soils. Slower growth; deep-rooted and strong wind. The bud and strong; fewer pests and diseases.
Leaf Leaves alternate or nearly opposite, leathery, short round to nearly lanceolate, 8-20 cm long and 4-5.5 cm wide, green above, glabrous, midrib and lateral veins obvious dent below puberulous with away from the base three veins; petiole 1.5-2 cm long.
Flower Panicles axillary or near the top students; flowers small, white; tepals 6 fertile stamens 9, anther Room 4, the third round of stamen flower outward valved.
Fruit The fruit is oval-shaped, 1 cm long, 9 mm in diameter, dark purple; tepals fall off the edge truncate or slightly toothed; fruit tray shallow cup.
More to learn Cinnamon ministries whose bark, branches, leaves, fruit, flower stalk can be extracted aromatic oil or cinnamon oil, used in food, beverages, cigarettes and medicine, but is often used as the flavor of the spices, cosmetics, daily necessities.
Properties Hot, spicy, sweet. Warm in the cold, good for stomach and warm the spleen, unobstructed blood.
Treats The cinnamon also for spices, dispels wind and stomach, stasis, dispelling the analgesic effect; Branches can then sweating carminative, meridians, see Guizhi entry.
Reference 1. General information on Frangipani
2. 維基百科
3. 百度百科
