290CM Banana
Family Name 芭蕉科
Scientific name Musa sapientum L.
Common name banana
Growth habit Banana is the common name for an edible fruit produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants of the genus Musa. Mainly grown in tropical and subtropical regions. Native to southeast Asia tropical and subtropical regions.
Leaf Banana leaves are large, flexible, and waterproof. They are often used as ecologically friendly disposable food containers or as "plates" in South Asia and several Southeast Asian countries.
Flower The female flowers (which can develop into fruit) appear in rows further up the stem (closer to the leaves) from the rows of male flowers.
Fruit Fruits of banana are long ribbed; peel yellow, white flesh, sweet taste.
More to learn Potassium in banana can reduce the risk of stroke
Properties Bananas contain a lot of potassium and magnesium. Potassium can prevent high blood pressure and muscle spasms, and magnesium to eliminate the effect of fatigue.
Treats N/A
