331CM Sand Ginger
Family Name Zingiberaceae
Scientific name Zingiber officinale
Common name sand ginger, aromatic ginger, resurrection lily, capoor cutch
Growth habit Perennial herbs, Rhizomes massive, Solitary or tufted, Light green, Aromatic
Leaf Two leaves in pair, Round or broadly ovate, green surface, pale green on the back, 7-15 cm long and 5-12 cm wide.
Flower Spicate from the mid of the leaves, white flowers that open in Aug-Sept, each plant has 4-12 flowers.
Fruit Capsule in green
More to learn Don’t eat too much Zingiber to avoid absorb too many Gingerol that stimulate the kidneys in the process that excreted by the kidneys, and produce dry mouth, sore throat, constipation.
Properties Taste spice, enable Appetite and promoting digestion, smooth the breathing and relieve pain
Treats Relieve stomach pain, cure Diarrhea, not eating and indigestion.
Reference 山柰_百度百科
沙姜-功效与作用- 中药功效作用网
