507 Purple Ruffles Basil
Family Name Labiatae
Scientific name Ocimum basilicum
Common name Purple Ruffles
Growth habit Annual herb
Leaf Leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, glandular points on the back, pale green and long fine hairs. With powerful stimulus, the smell of incense.
Flower Open violet flowers, about September flowering.
Fruit Seed looks a bit like black sesame, mature in about October.
More to learn Extraction of essential oils, modulation spices, preparation of cosmetics, soap and food flavor, or as toothpaste, mouthwash flavoring agents; leaves for cooking food also drink tea.
Properties Spicy, warm, slightly toxic.
Treats Tune in digestion, go foul smells, eliminate moisture, should be eaten raw. And the treatment tooth root rotten sore.
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